Here are some of the ways that we keep people connected to Christ our Savior.
Adult Bible Class
Our pastor leads adult Bible class on various topics at 8:15 on Sunday mornings.
Sunday School
In fall, winter, and spring, Sunday school meets in two classes (roughly Pre-K — 3rd, and 4th — 8th grades) Sunday mornings at 8:15 am. Sunday School music follows at 9:00.
Children’s Choir
We encourage all God’s people to praise him in song! The Sunday school children’s choir practices weekly at 9:00 am, and sings for worship roughly once per month.
Vacation Bible School
VBS programs during the summer involve K—6th grade kids with skits, lessons, games, and activities.
Adult Choir
An adult choir of about 20 members practices weekly and participates in worship about once per month. They also perform a Christmas concert in December.
Ladies’ Aid
The women of Ladies’ Aid provide various services and host activities for the congregation, as well as supporting the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society.
Men’s Fellowship
All men, including high school and college age, are invited to attend. To encourage the growth of our spiritual leaders, the men meet occasionally for devotion, games, and fellowship.
St. Michael’s Brass Ensemble
The members of the brass (and wind) ensemble perform occasional concerts throughout the year, including a Christmas concert and a tour of several group homes in Winona.